Alejandro Pena of Keter Group Embraces Sustainability Initiative Through Educational Outreach
Keter Group is a sustainable Israeli manufacturer that specializes in home decor, outdoor goods, and other resin-based garden consumer products. Established in 1948, Keter has turned into one of the most prominent and sustainable companies in its industry, especially over the past 75+ years.
Already revered for high-quality products and sustainable, recyclable materials, Keter Group CEO Alejandro Pena decided to push for more sustainability initiatives by leading the Global Recycling Day initiative throughout Europe this past year.
Global Recycling Day Initiative
Every year on March 18, the world celebrates Global Recycling Day, and this holds particularly true for the French village of Gorcy. In Gorcy, this past Global Recycling Day, students and children alike learned about old castles, cutting-edge science, and the importance of sustainability.
Keter employees attended the Global Recycling Day to share information about their products as well as the varying sustainable outreach programs that the company is offering. Kerry Murfin of the Marketing Department at Keter Group stated, “We’ve designed all our products to be 100% recyclable and are on an ambitious trajectory to increase the use of recycled content in our products from 40% in 2020 to 55% in 2025.”
Keter Group’s VP of Marketing went on to add, “The Earth is our home and our workplace.”
Exploring Green Outcomes With Alejandro Pena
Since Alejandro Pena was brought onto the team, he has been a guiding force in raising awareness regarding Keter’s recycling and sustainability drives. Keter’s employees were coached and ready to share their initiatives during the Gorcy event, working directly with elementary students regarding how their materials are made, used, and recycled.
Throughout the Global Recycling Day event, Keter employees gave various presentations which served to highlight many of the different recycling symbols utilized throughout France and the rest of Europe. These drawings, compiled by students, are being placed for presentation at the Luxembourg factory that Keter Group operates in Niederkorn. It is this facility that is responsible for developing many storage, furniture, and organizational solutions.
Alejandro Pena has also been charged with guiding many of the recycling science initiatives overseen at the many European factories under Keter’s control. To accomplish these goals, the company must attend to issues including water, waste, energy, and efficiency loss throughout its supply chain.
Pena added, “It is essential to understand that all Keter products can and should be recycled. We are starting to be more proactive in trying to collect back many of these products that are being discarded.”
One way by which Keter Group limits pollution and waste is by crafting products in the regions where they are being sold, thus limiting waste.